How to configure payment gateways?

Describe how to configure payment gateways in admin settings

There are multiple popular payment gateways integrated like PayPal, Stripe, Mollie, Paytm, Offline(Bank).

How to configure PayPal?

To configure PayPal payment gateway you need to setup "ClientID Key" and "Client Secret Key" .

How to configure Stripe?

You have to setup "Publishable key" and "Secret Key" to configure stripe payment gateway.

How to configure Paytm?

To configure Paytm payment gateway you have to setup Environment, Merchant ID, Secret Key, Transaction URL.

How to configure Mollie?

You have to set "Api key" to configure Mollie payment gateway.

How to configure Offline payment gateway?

It's pretty easy to configure offline payment gateway, you have to setup your bank name, branch, account name, account number and status like "Active" or "Inactive".

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